
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

LBC Available Courses

Certificate in Children Evangelism/ Theology

  1. Bible Doctrine II
  2. Child Psychology II
  3. Workshop/Creativity II
  4. School of Prayer II
  5. Pentateuch II
  6. Sunday School Administration
  7. Bible Introduction II
  8. Epistle ( Pauline Epistles)
  9. Hermaneutics
  10. Communication
  11. Homiletic II

12  Counseling

  1. Pastoral Theology II
  2. Modern Cult

15.Christian Education

  1. Systematic Theology II

17.Ministries & Gifts

  1. Hebrew History
  2. Project.

Diploma in Children Evangelism / Theology

  1. Bible Doctrine II
  2. Child Psychology II
  3. Workshop/Creativity II
  4. School of Prayer II
  5. Pentateuch II
  6. Sunday School Administration
  7. Bible Introduction II
  8. Epistle ( Pauline Epistles)
  9. Hermaneutics
  10. Communication
  11. Homiletic II

12  Counseling

  1. Pastoral Theology II
  2. Modern Cult

15.Christian Education

  1. Systematic Theology II

17.Ministries & Gifts

  1. Hebrew History
  2. Project.

Advance Diploma in Children Evangelism* / Theology

  1. Homiletics
  2. Church History
  3. Evangelism Proper.
  4. Christian Ethnic
  5. Counseling
  6. Systematic Theology
  7. Daniel/Revelation
  8. Epistle-Pastoral.
  9. Romans and Galatians
  10. Church Management/Administration
  11. History and Life of the Apostles
  12. Typology
  13. Life of Christ
  14. Epistle of Hebrews
  15. Human Relation
  16. Project.

LEADERSHIP BIBLE COLLEGE is an arm of child and world foundation, An accredited Member of Preach The Word solders of Christ Seminary & Institute of Pastoral Education and Chaplains Fellowship of Nigeria